This is only available through the end of May. Download a free copy of the audio book of The Hole in Our Gospel: What Does God Expect of Us? The Answer That Changed My Life and Might Just Change the World by Richard Stearns, about it president of World Vision U.S.

This book is well worth your time. I have listened to it over the past few weeks and cannot adequately describe how much impact this book has had on me personally. May the Lord continue to break my heart and yours by the things that break God’s heart.

The Hole in Our Gospel is the story of “how a corporate CEO faced his own struggle to obey God whatever the cost, buy information pills and his passionate call for Christians to change the world by actively living out their faith”. The book starts by alternating between the personal journey of Stearns and the story of World Vision. There will be places within the story that break your heart – or at least they did mine – places where you can identify, medic places where you believe there is no way that we could overcome such tragedy and then a renewed hope for your purpose and this world.

Click here to download the audiobook. Use the coupon code MAY2010 when checking out to receive the audio book for free. It comes in 27 parts that you have to download individually, but they are quick to download with high speed. It is only available in May, so download it now!

For those that are concerned that this is a book only about poverty and asking for money, that could not be further from the truth. It is about the whole gospel. It is about what we are called to do, about our purpose, about my purpose, about your future…

If possible, I suggest listening to it with a friend, your spouse, your children or your small group. There are many great conversations that will come.

Please let us know what you think of the book after you have a chance to listen/read it.
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2 Comments on Your Support

  1. Greg Writer says:

    Hey Lou we have a major campaign going too, see

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