
Kurt Uhlir on June 22nd, 2013

Have you ever thought: “I just don’t love my husband any more.” “I’m just not attracted to my wife anymore.” “My life would be so much better if I was married to _____.” “I wish I lived like _____”? You know how you’re “supposed to act” towards your spouse but it’s just so hard, order […]

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Authentic Christian Living team on October 24th, 2012

What does “I love you” mean? Is love a feeling? God doesn’t ask us if we feel like loving. He tells us it’s our responsibility to love-a husband is to love his wife (Eph. 5:28). When we obey, health the feeling will follow. But if it doesn’t, this site God’s agapé love gives even when […]

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Authentic Christian Living team on February 14th, 2011

Gary Chapman explains the five love languages. We are huge fans of the five love languages. It has helped us and millions of others at home, approved in our relationships with our brothers and sisters, how we relate to our children and even at work. Not all people feel love from the same things. These […]

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Authentic Christian Living team on May 2nd, 2010

What made all the difference for this couple was that Laura, unhealthy in spite of the fact that her husband didn’t “deserve” it, somnology decided to keep her battery charged with the never-depleted source of God’s love and to take personal responsibility for her thoughts, global burden of disease feelings, and actions — and she […]

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Authentic Christian Living team on February 7th, 2010

…”but I love him anyway, visit ” is one of the most profound theological statements on marriage I’ve ever heard. Most of us base love on because, not on anyway. I love you because you’re good to me. I love you because you’re kind, because you’re considerate, because you keep the romance alive. But in […]

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Authentic Christian Living team on February 5th, 2010

Defensiveness: Stops us from truly listening to our mate; Protects us from feeling vulnerable or fragile;  Prevents us from receiving critical information; Inhibits our growth;  Builds a wall between us and our mate. Let’s consider the value of tearing down the wall of defensiveness. What happens when couples agree to truly listen and learn from […]

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Authentic Christian Living team on February 2nd, 2010

Inexpensive Ways to Honor Your Spouse this Valentine’s Day Create a photo postcard of the two of you Recreate your first date Create a mail box for love notes “Kidnap” your spouse from work or other responsibility Have dinner someplace different in your home Look at your wedding album Dedicate February 14th to learning something […]

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Authentic Christian Living team on January 25th, 2010

Most couples experience winter from time to time. It may last a month or 30 years. It may begin three months after the wedding or hit in the mid-life years. Do not give up if your marriage appears beyond hope. Just as most people wouldn’t lie down in the snow and wait to die, troche […]

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