
Have you thought about the long term effects of your decisions? Please watch this 4 minute video from the lead singer of Casting Crowns.

The good news is our lives, our marriages and our friendships can be rebuilt through repentance, forgiveness and grace. What will you decide today.

Here is the music video for the Casting Crowns song Slow Fade.

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Continue reading about Weekly Word (video): Slow Fade – The long term effects of your decisions

Authentic Christian Living team on May 2nd, 2010

What made all the difference for this couple was that Laura, unhealthy in spite of the fact that her husband didn’t “deserve” it, somnology decided to keep her battery charged with the never-depleted source of God’s love and to take personal responsibility for her thoughts, global burden of disease feelings, and actions — and she […]

Continue reading about The Power of Forgiveness in Marriage

Authentic Christian Living team on April 1st, 2010

What does Good Friday, illness Easter and Resurrection Day mean to you? Do you have questions about the resurrection? We hope these articles and videos will help you gain a better understanding.   Is Christ Alive in Our Lives: An Easter Reflection I have often been guilty of falling back on God rather than referring […]

Continue reading about Collection of Easter Articles and Videos

Authentic Christian Living team on March 22nd, 2010

Despite our best efforts, some people will refuse reconciliation, and hang on to their hurts until their knuckles turn white. Letting go of past injustice seems, for many, to be the ultimate insult. After all, those injustices give these people their reason to go on fighting. Today: a call for all who hold their hurts dear to give them up, and, be healed of their anger.

Continue reading about Getting Over It: Forgive? (podcast)

Authentic Christian Living team on January 22nd, 2010

No one ever said that reconciliation is easy. It can be very hard. But this is certain: reconciliation is necessary. It can take years to form the deep divisions that keep families and former friends apart. And it may take time to heal those wounds. Today: we’ll learn from the teachings of Jesus the steps to take to seek real reconciliation and find it.

Continue reading about The High Cost of Reconciliation (podcast)