
Authentic Christian Living team on January 4th, 2013

The TV commercial once said: “You only go around once in life. Grab all the gusto you can.” That’s not a bad idea. …….but the gusto you should grab is probably not what most people have in mind. A lot of Christians are falling victim to the mad dash for self-fulfillment. Today: you’ll hear a […]

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Authentic Christian Living team on February 3rd, 2010

Are you happy? The bible does not tell us to make choices that will make us happy, ophthalmologist as these are the way of the world. Buying that new thing, eating at that particular restaurant, ending that relationship, etc. only bring short term peace and joy. Christ tells us to be joyful and content in […]

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Authentic Christian Living team on January 28th, 2010

This article is a cute first-person story from MomSense about how you can always make yourself unhappy if you compare your weaknesses with others’ strengths. It also has a great idea for a new birthday tradition. Read the story by clicking here. Do you find yourself comparing yourself to your friends, medical to others, to […]

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Authentic Christian Living team on January 19th, 2010

Are you depressed or have a friend that is? Are thoughts of people from your past affecting your marriage or relationships? Listen to “Soul Ties – Pt 1 and 2”. They walk through how people often feel bad due to connections in their past and how to move past them. Part 2 is a must for […]

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Authentic Christian Living team on December 22nd, 2009

We are not called to make choices that will make us happy. Doing things simply because they feel good or make us happy in the short-term many times bring long-term pain and depression. We are called in the Word to be content and rejoice. You can be happy with everything in your life with the right focus.

Continue reading about The Joy-Driven Life