Real life is often more rough-and-tumble than football. Every new day is a series of downs for us, and the devil is always looking for a sack. Some days we gain yardage; other days we feel like it’s three-and-out. Our teenager comes and tells us something, and we’re slammed in the gut. We find a […]
Continue reading about 10 Things to Know about Healthy Leadership
Literalism: Isn’t the Bible historically unreliable and regressive? This is a great short (30 minute) audio clip of Tim Keller answering the question. Some people claim that they can’t trust in the Bible because it is historically unreliable and culturally regressive. But do we have cultural blinders on? Dr. Tim Keller discusses solid reasons that […]
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These checklists and questions can help you evaluate your church. How healthy is your church? Please consider sharing this article with others in your church or your pastor (links at the bottom of the article allow for easy sharing). Christianity Today’s Leadership set out to answer that question. We did not find just one answer, […]
Continue reading about What Does a Healthy Church Look Like?
How do we begin to treat church unlike the way we determine what coffee to buy at Starbucks? Read Mike Pohlman’s blog post Against Church Shopping
Continue reading about Against Church Shopping: Disposable Churches
This is a must read. If you want to see someone change their lives, sick they’ll have to change how they look at the world first. All of these worldviews have consequences. Every day we’re affected and influenced by them. We’re often not even aware of it. These worldviews affect the happiness and success of […]
Continue reading about Six Worldviews You’re Competing Against