Perhaps your marriage is teetering on the edge of brokenness, abortion but deep down you still hold a sliver of hope that your marriage can be made whole again. With them, stuff and with you, info  the process of reconciling years of hurt requires careful consideration. Solomon says, “When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider.” (Eccl. 7:14) But, what should you consider when entering such uncertain territory? Here are a few suggestions:
Are you overreacting to times of trouble?
Have you sought out expert advice on your problem?
Have you been careful to fully forgive past problems?
Have you both made amends for past wounds?
Have you remembered that there are no perfect relationships?
Read the article  Can ‘Irreconcilable Differences’ be Reconciled? for more details on the suggestions and to read the story of Jack and Barbara. Jack and Barbara were happily married,once upon a time. However, their seven year marriage spiraled inexorably downward until they changed how they were trying.
Be careful what “fully forgive” really means. It does not necessarily mean ‘forget.’